DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

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DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by DawgStrip »

Hey guys,

See... we have been practicing for autocross! Those other cars are just like moving cones right ? :D Enjoy the Video !

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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by Brain »

Spam? Seems like all you're trying to do is promote your youtube channel on a whole bunch of websites.....

A quick search shows the following - and that's just from the first google page.....

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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by DawgStrip »


Whats with all the hate? Really, Its starting to get a little shocking at this point.

This forum seems rather dead right now but I can understand that because of the time of year. Would you rather this forum just sit here unused? Can we not talk about cars in the section called "Car Talk"

Yes we are across many different forums but do we have to really explain this and lay it out for you? We play in many different fields, is autocross your only one?

vcmc.ca We joined that site the same time as this one - Trying to learn about local Autocross.
24hoursoflemons.com We have a Cadillac Hearse we will be building for the LeMons race at The Ridge this fall.
cadillacforums.com Joined this Forum to gain information regarding our Cadillac HT4100 engine.
econoboxcafe.com This is a Ford Festiva Site. We took a Festiva and shorted the car by 22 inchs and drove it to AB to attend a Festiva cruise!
morrisminorforum.com We own a 1950 Morris Minor that we are currently mounting onto a Suzuki Tracker chassis.
suzuki-forums.com This is a wonderful forum with alot of support for the Suzuki chassis.
pirate4x4.com Same as above, are you still reading ?
we-crash.proboards.com Demolition derby site, we have ran 3 cars through the Hope derby since 2010.

Yes we are on many forums and we have made many friends along the way.

As for this being SPAM, no. We are proud of what we do, the things we build, and the races that we participate in. We send money out of our pockets and make none in return. We are not attempting to make money on our projects rather than have fun and show what we get up to. There is no different posting a YouTube link that posting pictures on here of projects. If that were the case, would that be considered SPAM as well? I guess you react to any of the people who attend the Vernon races and post a link to YouTube videos on here? Or look and check if they post them anywhere else?

Forums are places to ask questions, post ideas, post things and events that others may find of interest. If you do not find these things of interest, you have the choice not to follow the link, not even read the posting.

As since we are on this topic, we have to bring the rules of the forum into topic. Since you have been chasing us around and counting our posts on other websites, we feel that you must have some bias which we are unable to comprehend. As we have mentioned no money is gained from our projects in any way, all funding is completely ‘out of pocket’. Under the ‘Forum Rules and Guidelines’ it clearly states – in case you have forgotten:

2. You may not post any content […which]:
d) is a flagrant personal attack;
g) is commercial in nature and in which you stand to profit either directly or indirectly. If you wish to post commercial content, you must be a sponsor

It does seem that you have an issue with us, and calling our posting to the before mentioned site shows how venomous you seem to be in protecting your ‘sandbox’. Calling our posting SPAM, chasing us on other forums, posting other sites that we are a part of, to be a personal attack for reasons which we do not understand.

We do consider this a personal attack. Which is strange, as we are truly easy going people who enjoy cars and events the same as everyone else. Why you have decided to ‘color us bad’, is beyond us. It is okay for people to have different views, other than yours.

We look forward to hearing about your next event or is this the "old boy's club" and should we just not bother to attend?
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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by Brain »

I honestly can't decide how to reply to this. Seems like a very long and defensive post.

Went back to look at your post on pirate4x4 to see if I had gotten the wrong idea. Looks like you got called out there for being spam and deleted your thread.

Went and looked at the thread you posted on VCMC. You signed up, did some self promotion, posted your video and never returned.

Looked here. You've started two threads - both with videos. Seems you didn't really want to discuss autocross.

You have no history on any of these forums - just sign up and post your videos. So....I don't really see anything that changes my mind. I still call your posts spam.

If you want to get involved in autocross then you will find the club to be very open and inviting.

If you want to get people to watch your random videos then you're going to get labeled as spam just like you have on other boards.
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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by DawgStrip »


Let's calm down and take this down a notch.

Yes that was a defensive post because as we mentioned we felt as if you were attacking us. Yes we posted to both Okanagan Autocross and the VCMC 2 months ago. As you can read we mention we have never done Autocross and we asked if our"Hamster" would be allowed on track. Should we have written multiple pages to describe the car? We already had a Video made so it was easier to show then explain the build of the car. None the less, that is not the only vehicle we have in the fleet.

No what we found alarming was you responded to both forums with exactly the same reply's shooting us down with no helpful explanations. We stopped responding to you because nothing good was coming from it and when you were responding to both forums we in fact felt you were spam, bullying us and just trying to fluff your post numbers. To be honest you ran us out of VCMC for now, we'll start watching it again once the season changes.

So yes, We posted our Video here. We are new. No one here knows us. We are simply trying to introduce ourselves. We are not sure if a forum of 36 people would bump our ratings up to Oscar level but we assure you this was not our intent.

If you feel offended then we apologize but please understand when we came here looking for information you only met us with negative criticism. We spend many hours in the shop or on the road doing what we love and our time is limited. If you really wanted to discuss autocross with us positive criticism always helps more then "your car can't race". Help us along, tell us what we can do to improve. A cold shoulder and "its in the rules" is never a good way to welcome a new comer.

So when is the next gathering ?
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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by Brain »

Well this presents an interesting dilemma. I guess I have two choices. Do I just ignore you and assume you'll let it go? Or should I reply to a pointless internet argument with someone I've never met?

Well it is winter and there's not much to do.....
DawgStrip wrote:Brian,

Let's calm down and take this down a notch.
Where have I been anything but calm? I'm simply pointing out the facts as I see them.
DawgStrip wrote:No what we found alarming was you responded to both forums with exactly the same reply's shooting us down with no helpful explanations. We stopped responding to you because nothing good was coming from it and when you were responding to both forums we in fact felt you were spam, bullying us and just trying to fluff your post numbers. To be honest you ran us out of VCMC for now, we'll start watching it again once the season changes.
You made the exact same posts on two forums - sounds a lot like spam to me. So I replied with the exact same answers on two forums. You're welcome by the way - not like there were many people jumping in with answers in the off season.

Here's the replies I gave you on VCMC (and this forum). Exactly where was I bullying you? You made no mention of another car - you asked about a car that I don't believe is legal for autocross.

I hate to be a downer, but I highly doubt that car is legal for autocross. First couple things that come to mind is the wheelbase is likely too short and the roll bar probably isn't adequate.

Sorry, but it's not that simple. If the car doesn't meet the definition of legal according to the rules then it can't run - it's an insurance thing. The more I contemplate your car the more I'm positive that it's not legal......

DawgStrip wrote:If you feel offended then we apologize but please understand when we came here looking for information you only met us with negative criticism.
Where is the negative criticism? You asked questions - I answered them. If you were serious about getting into autocross you might have asked more questions - like what are the wheelbase limits I referenced? Or maybe you would have mentioned another car and asked about it's suitability?
DawgStrip wrote:So when is the next gathering ?
Schedule is not finalized yet, but will be posted here in the next few weeks.
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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by See23 »

I am so entertained!
It's been a long time since we've seen so many words.
I have to say, Mr Dawgstrip, that I asked myself the same question Brain did when I saw your second video posting.
You need to know that Brain has nothing but good intentions and is an ambassador for our sport. No one knows it better or is more welcoming and supportive of old and new drivers.
You just got an early lesson that when it comes to stuff like this, he's like a dog on a bone and that goes for helping you also. You just need to ask right questions.

In any case...
I hope you guys do come out with a car and join us. Maybe you should just bring a non-Dawged car to start, see how you like it and earn some credibility. I personally don't have problem with more stuff on the forum as long as it fits the theme and you respect the rules and the 36 and growing, members.
I believe that is all Brain is asking for.
Feel. Don't think.
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Re: DawgStrip Video - Diesel Jetta in the Mini-Stocks!

Post by DawgStrip »

We see that this has gotten rather off topic but we agree this really is going nowhere at its current rate. Lets shift gears and go back over to the " getting started" section where we feel our questions are best suited.

On a side note we really love the statement of "Maybe you should just bring a non-Dawged car to start" Of course we agree and its a good idea. The statement alone is awesome, we have officially become a verb!
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